Refunds for anomalies in ticket purchases made "online" or through the "app" using a credit card

To obtain a refund for a ticket purchased but not used due to anomalies in the online purchase of travel tickets (single tickets/subscriptions) or through the app (single tickets) using a credit card, the customer must submit a written request to Ferrotramviaria within 48 hours of the event that prompted the refund request. The request must include the ticket's identification number or the date and time of ticket purchase.

Refund for anomalies in ticket purchases made at automatic ticket machines.

To obtain a refund for a ticket purchased but not used due to anomalies in ticket purchases made at automatic ticket machines (e.g., failure to issue a ticket and other issues), the customer must submit a written request to Ferrotramviaria within 48 hours of the event that prompted the refund request. The request should include the location of the automatic ticket machine, the date and time of ticket purchase, and the nature of the anomaly.




As regulated by EU Regulation No. 1371/2007, in case of irregular services due to non-performance attributable to Ferrotramviaria, resulting in a predicted delay in reaching the destination exceeding 60 minutes, the customer can obtain a refund of the purchased ticket's cost for:

• the portion of the journey not yet completed.

• the entire journey if the customer does not wish to begin the journey.

• the entire journey (including the part already completed) if the continuation of the journey is no longer useful in relation to the initial plan, in which case the customer has the option to return to the point of departure immediately before reaching the destination.





Redemption requests may be sent as follows:

  • Regular mail address:
                FERROTRAMVIARIA S.p.A - Ferrovie del Nord Barese e Autolinee
                Ufficio Comunicazione e Relazioni Esterne
                Piazza A. Moro n. 50/B - 70122 – BARI

    • Fax number 080.5235480 *

    • E-mail, send an E-Mail at *

    • Personally at the offices of Ferrotramviaria:

               Bari Piazza A. Moro, 50 / B, Bari
               by Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 13.00

    • Official App '' Ferrotramviaria SpA '' for mobile devices with Android and Apple operating systems (iOS), clicking the icon Contacts / Messages *


 * Only for purchases of tickets online or via the "Ferrotramviaria SpA" App or loaded on the e-via card, showing the ticket identification number or data and the ticket purchase time.



Ferrotramviaria S.p.A Direzione Generale Trasporto
Piazza A. Moro, 50/B - 70122 Bari

Partita Iva: 00890311004 - C.F.: 00431220581
Registro imprese: CCIAA ROMA n. 00431220581
Capitale sociale: 5.000.000 € I.V. - R.E.A. n. 83839